
Unveiling the standardized frozen fruit production process

  • HRV
  • News
  • 15/08/2024
Frozen fruits have become a familiar product in modern life. Little is known about the modern and stringent production process required to achieve such convenient and high-quality frozen fruit bags. Join GDFoods as we explore the fascinating secrets behind the frozen fruit production process in this article!

I. What is the frozen fruit production process?

The frozen fruit production process involves a precise process that transforms fresh fruit into high-quality frozen products. This process begins with careful fruit selection, followed by cleaning, preparation, and rapid freezing to preserve nutrients and flavor. The fruits are then thoroughly packaged to maintain their quality. As a result, consumers can enjoy the taste and nutritional benefits of fresh fruit year-round, without having to worry about its preservation.

The frozen food production process involves handling and preserving fruit for long-term storage.

II. What constitutes a standard frozen fruit production process?

Have you ever questioned how frozen fruit manages to keep its fresh flavor and nutrients? Many people are curious about how to freeze fruit effectively to preserve its taste and quality. To gain insight into these sophisticated methods, it is essential to delve into the detailed steps involved. The process of producing frozen fruit is carried out through the following steps:

2.1. Harvesting and transportation
The fruit selected must meet standards for ripeness, size, color, and sweetness. This process requires meticulous care and experience to ensure high-quality input for the final product. Harvesting must also be done carefully to avoid damaging the fruit. Once harvested, the fruit is quickly transported to the fruit processing plant to maintain its freshness. This process typically occurs within a few hours to minimize the time the fruit is exposed to external conditions.

2.2. Pre-processing and quality inspection
After harvesting, fresh fruit is brought to the plant for pre-processing. Here, the fruit is washed with clean water or a mild sanitizing solution to remove dirt and bacteria. The fruit is then thoroughly inspected to eliminate any pieces that do not meet the required size, color, or show signs of spoilage.
Depending on the type of fruit and the final product, the fruit may be cut into smaller pieces or left whole. Some fruits like peaches, plums, or apples may have their pits or cores removed. For certain fruits prone to oxidation, such as apples and bananas, they may be soaked in an ascorbic acid solution to prevent oxidation and retain their bright color.

The fruit undergoes a thorough quality inspection to remove any that do not meet the standards.

2.3. Rapid freezing
This is the most critical step in the frozen fruit production process. The fruit is rapidly frozen at extremely low temperatures using the advanced Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) method. This technology ensures that the fruit freezes without forming large ice crystals, preserving its original shape, texture, color, and natural flavor. Moreover, the quick freezing process maximizes the retention of vitamins and minerals present in fresh fruit. 
2.4. Packaging
Following the rapid freezing process, the fruit is transported to the packaging area. At this stage, the frozen fruit is either portioned into bite-sized pieces or left whole, depending on product specifications. It is then sealed in airtight, moisture-resistant packaging such as plastic bags or cartons. Vacuum sealing removes all air, preventing oxidation and significantly extending shelf life. The packaging is also designed to meet food safety standards while offering convenience for consumers.

After the rapid freezing process, the frozen fruit is then moved for packaging.

2.5. Storage in cold warehouses
Frozen fruit packages are stored in cold warehouses at temperatures ranging from -18 to -23 degrees Celsius. This controlled environment preserves the quality and nutritional content of the frozen fruit throughout its shelf life.
2.6. Distribution
The final step in the frozen food production process is distribution. The fruit is exported abroad by air or sea in refrigerated containers. Transportation is conducted under strict temperature control, ensuring that the products reach consumers in the best possible condition.

The fruit is exported abroad by air or sea in refrigerated containers.

III. How to properly store frozen fruits?
Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the quality and nutritional value of frozen fruits. At low temperatures, microorganisms are frozen and unable to develop, which helps preserve the shape and nutrients of the food as they were originally.
Frozen fruits should be stored at temperatures between -18°C and -23°C. This is the ideal temperature range to ensure that the flavor and nutritional value of the product remain intact. The shelf life of frozen fruits is typically 24 months from the date of production, allowing you to enjoy your favorite fruits all year round without worrying about seasonal availability.

Frozen fruits should be stored at temperatures between -18°C and -23°C.

When ready to use, only take out the amount of fruit you need for defrosting. You can transfer the fruit to the refrigerator at a temperature of 1-3°C and consume it within 3 days after defrosting. It is important to note that refreezing defrosted fruit is not recommended, as this can degrade quality and increase the risk of bacterial growth.
Additionally, it's essential to regularly check the temperature of your freezer to ensure it consistently remains within the ideal range. Older household appliances may have issues with the door seal, leading to an incomplete seal and unstable temperatures, which could result in spoilage of the fruit. Therefore, periodic inspections and maintenance of storage equipment are necessary to keep frozen fruits fresh and safe.

IV. Experience superior frozen fruits with GDFoodsGDFoods takes pride in being a leading provider of safe and reliable frozen fruits. Our mission is to deliver the freshest, purest, and most nutritious agricultural products and fruits to every household. To achieve this, GDFoods has continuously invested in research and development to enhance our frozen fruit production process, ensuring not only superior product quality but also meeting the diverse needs of consumers at the best prices.
Contact GDFoods today to explore our range of frozen fruits and place your order!

Contact Information
GDFoods Import and Export Co., Ltd
Address: Quảng Tâm Commune, Tuy Đức District, Đăk Nông Province
Email: info@foodsgd.com
Hotline: +84 93 585 0123
Working hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (Monday - Friday)