Seedless lemon, Lim Ca Paper Lemon, American Lemon, American Seedless Lemon has the English name Persian Lime. The characteristics of the seedless lemon tree are that it is thornless, suitable and grows well in the climate of Vietnam. Seedless lemon flowers grow in clusters, the petals are white, the fruit is slightly long, sour and fragrant. Seedless lemon varieties have less thorns on the trunk and fruit, similar to traditional lemons. When the branches are mature, the thorns degenerate, the tree bears fruit, a bunch of 7-8 fruits. From the 3rd - 4th year, it will give higher yield. Seedless lemons will be harvested for over 10 years before degenerating. The tree can grow up to 6m high, the trunk has no thorns, has a round canopy, fruit clusters, no seeds (or only a few seeds). Seedless lemons bear fruit all year round. The tree is also very resistant to disease, especially not infected with green vein yellowing disease like other citrus trees.